Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for April 12, 1998
Tom the Dancing Bug's Super-Fun-Pak Comix Edited by Ruben Bolling Only Punchlines! Frog: Three times since last Tuesday! Man: Okay -- meatloaf or roast beef? Man: I don't have to - I've already GOT 'em! Important 1960s Literary Protagonist Protagonist: I'm alienated from my kids... My wife doesn't "get" me... I like to make it with girls from the steno pool... Also, I'm impotent. Woman: How complex and modern! Leininbert Boss: Sort these papers, Leninbert. Leninbert: That does it! Crowd: REVOLUTION! Boss: ARGH! BANG! Leninberg: Now THIS is relevant workplace satire. Dogbert: Stalinbert wants to see you. This Is Not A Comic Strip Apple: Where have you been? Pipe: How should I know?... Pipe: You told me to "get lost"! Marital Mirth Woman: My husband and I like to make love in different rooms. Woman: That way the people we are making love to don't meet. Woman: You see, we don't make love to each other -- we despise each other. Max & Doug's Too-Many-Panels Comix Max: Hey, Doug, shouldn't you be watching your weight? Doug: I am, Max. I'm watching it go UP! Max: Ha! Doug: I know! Max: Hmm... Doug: Yup.
Rick Smith Premium Member over 3 years ago
I like the effect that “This is not a comic strip” uses.