Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for December 13, 2008
Tom the Dancing Bug's Super-Fun-Pak Comix Edited by Ruben Bolling They Came As Decorative Pillows Pillow #1: Soon they will have no place to sit... Pillow #2: Or lie down! Pillow #3: Foolish earthlings! Bob Bob's Secrets #413 Without a book or magazine to grab while urinating, Bob will resort to reading the ingredients on a toothpaste tube. Bob: ...poloxamer 407... Fabulous Guy, In A Dark Night of the Soul Man: 'Night, babe. Woman: Mm... Man: AM I fabulous? GoodLordHelpMeI'mTrappedInADementedComicHell Man: I feel like every day of my life there's a premise set-up, then a silhouetted question, and then a stupid punchline. Man: Do you ever feel that way? Woman: Oh here's the line for punch! Dinkle, The UNlovable Loser This kind soul bought the loneliest Christmas tree! TREES Dinkle: Makes for good kindling. DINKLE'S POOL HALL Nano-Cosmetics Man: Yes! I've invented tiny, self-sustaining nano-robots that are programmed to eradicate butt fat! Man: I'll test it on myself! Man: Uh-oh! Something's wr... ZZT ZZT ZZT
pschearer Premium Member about 16 years ago
Six cartoons for the price of one! They should ALL be this way!