Give it to me straight, Peter: What are my chances of getting a hundred on my social studies final? Roughly the equivalent of Cushter'sh chancesh at the Little Bighorn. YES! ...Right? Tell you what, let'sh review chapter twelve.
Nate is not this lacking in intelligence. His attitude is the culprit. If he just paid attention in class & kept up with daily studies as he should, then he wouldn’t be needing tutoring now. But then I guess that would make for rather boring comic strip lines.
USMC68 over 13 years ago
I guess history was not a high p[rority
lutherg1 over 13 years ago
Custer? Hey, lets blame Obama!
steelersneo over 13 years ago
Hey now, Custer had the opportunity of whoopin’ all them Indians and walkin’ off.
astar15 over 13 years ago
If Custer was alive in Nate’s world…he’ll give him a whoopin’ for failing
mac47 over 13 years ago
The living living thing that survived Little Bighorn on Custer’s side was a horse. Nate is not a horse.
hippogriff over 13 years ago
Actually most of Benteen’s unit survived, and probably several of the horses did, taken by the victors.
IrisBlue over 13 years ago
Nate is not this lacking in intelligence. His attitude is the culprit. If he just paid attention in class & kept up with daily studies as he should, then he wouldn’t be needing tutoring now. But then I guess that would make for rather boring comic strip lines.
jordanisaac1 over 13 years ago fan made Big Nate film
Feed Me Comics! over 12 years ago
its pretty rude to say that, sorry. but it definately lincoln.
(insert name here) over 6 years ago
a yes when the odd is three to one?
MJ J almost 4 years ago
he said give it to me staright.
Nyan cat almost 3 years ago
Ha! Good one Peter
STUFF ENJOYER 9 months ago
The chances aren’t good Nate.