La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for June 15, 2011

  1. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  over 13 years ago

    35% corporate tax. 35% personal income tax. Gee, I’d love to invest in American jobs, but—————

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  2. Missing large
    gladlythecrosseyedbear  over 13 years ago

    Democrats, Republicans, Tea Party types — they all vote for war anywhere, any time, specially when they get orders from that foreign leader who receives roaring applause whenever he addresses Congress. Proof is that Obama suffers withering criticism from all sides whenever he tries to put American interests first.American economists say war helps the economy — they know nothing about economics but they do know how to spout the propaganda that the ruling elite script for them

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  3. Toxic rat small
    Toxic_Rat  over 13 years ago

    It’s only funny if there is a bit of truth in it. The democrats spend $800+ billion on a stimulus plan, and unemployment is higher than when they started? Just where did all that money go?

    You can be leftist, but at least be honest while you’re doing it.

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  4. Cicada avatar
    Dirty Dragon  over 13 years ago

    Private Sector Job Growth under Bush (red) and Obama (blue):Total number of months Republicans have been in control of the House of Representatives since the last electon: 5+. Number of jobs bills passed by Boehner: 0.

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  5. Cicada avatar
    Dirty Dragon  over 13 years ago

    Whoops, forgot something – I need to update that.Total number of months Republicans have been in control of the House of Representatives since the last election: 5+. Number of jobs bills passed by Boehner: -1.Yes, repealing the Affordable Care Act costs jobs. (Not to mention increases the deficit, allow insurance companies to deny coverage for pre-existing conditions, leave 30 million Americans on their own for finding Health Care, etc. etc. etc.)Repealing health reform would:

    Increase medical spending by $125 billion by the end of this decade and add nearly $2,000 annually to family insurance premiums * Destroy 250,000 to 400,000 jobs annually over the next decade * Reduce the share of workers who start new businesses, move to new jobs, or otherwise invest in themselves and the economy
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  6. Photo on 2010 11 08 at 15.31
    peachyanddanny  over 13 years ago

    Dirty Dragon,And which party has controlled the Senate by virtue of the whack filibuster rule, basically forever. And Lewreader, dheck out them tax rates when Ike was president. And while you’re at it. identify one single job ever created by cutting taxes. Trickle down means peeing off a bridge, and everybody knows it.

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  7. Viking
    steelersneo  over 13 years ago

    If someone came in and took 90% of what you worked for, would you continue working? This is an idiotic idea.

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