Most people lift beers up and it puts them down – on the floor or on their b*tts. And it is equal opportunity. There is no prejudice. Everyone who drinks “a few beers” has the chance to fall on their b*tts, drive off the road, or get slapped in the face.
cdward over 13 years ago
Wow, Planet Fitness has grown enough to be in the comics?
Xane_T over 13 years ago
Ants lift things up and they put them down.
burleigh2 over 13 years ago
I’ve never seen the Lunk Alarm go off… is there a switch one of the employees flip or something?
michael.p.pumilia over 13 years ago
Most people lift beers up and it puts them down – on the floor or on their b*tts. And it is equal opportunity. There is no prejudice. Everyone who drinks “a few beers” has the chance to fall on their b*tts, drive off the road, or get slapped in the face.
khyranleander over 13 years ago
Lunk Alarm? Lunks? Last I knew, the only lunks around were heads (lunkheads), which are not exactly impressive people last I knew.