Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for April 01, 1986
Calvin: Hey, doc. Why are you rubbing my arm with cotton? Are you going to put a leach there? Are you going to bleed me? You're not going to amputate, are you? Are you?? What's that? IS that a shot? Are ;you going to... Aaughh! It went clear through my arm! OW ow ow ow!!! I'm dying! I hope you've paid your malpractice insurance, you quack!! Where's my mom??!
rammy over 15 years ago
i hav tears in my eyes…frm laughing
drcraazy about 15 years ago
thts classic
KimmyCruz almost 15 years ago
hahahhaha this is really funny!!
comicgirl1000 over 14 years ago
hahahaha :D
kpreethy over 14 years ago
this the most laughable funnyyyyyyy most hilarious……………..joke
ricpent over 14 years ago
Hey! that’s me, what’s so funny?
karadi almost 14 years ago
there would be no calvin & hobbes comic if calvin’s mouth was closed.
bmonk over 13 years ago
There are times when a vivid imagination is a severe handicap.
And for your mother too!
yow4zip Premium Member over 13 years ago
Mom’s not here, man.
hihigirl over 13 years ago
He always calls the doctor a quack.
autumn24 about 13 years ago
route66paul almost 11 years ago
When kids say things like that, you don’t have to go far to find the originator
SilvieSkydancer about 9 years ago
This was absolutely me as a kid.
DM9001 over 8 years ago
4th Panel – Pretends he’s not related to you.
Really over 6 years ago
Woman’s magazine