Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for May 12, 1986
May 11, 1986
May 13, 1986
Calvin: Calvin. The human insect, walks across the dinner table. With proportional strength, he places a giant pea on the edge of a spoon. He then climbs to the top of the other end... ...and with a tiny jump... Dad: Calvin, stop that!
khandie47 over 14 years ago
cyberkidvj over 14 years ago
Why Stop
yeahiknow over 14 years ago
Another abnormally small Calvin comic!
ricpent over 14 years ago
Or, to state the obvious, ” another abnormally large,” Calvin comic.
insidethenfl almost 14 years ago
How does Bill Watterson come up with this stuff?! SO GOOD!
yow4zip Premium Member over 13 years ago
Dad isn’t any fun.
bmonk over 13 years ago
This is more fun than, say, eating them.
frequency270 over 6 years ago
Kind of a bizarre headline to parallel with this particular strip “200 Poisoned In Del Monte Outbreak”
Swayamplays about 6 years ago
mammoth almost 4 years ago
what if hes crushed by a fly swater
god8hehe almost 2 years ago
what is a fly swater