Calvin: It's an outrage that six-year-olds can't vote! Here I am, a U.S. citizen, with no voice in our representative government! Hobbes: You're concerned about the direction the country is headed? Calvin: No, I just want a bigger piece of the pie.
yeahiknow over 14 years ago
I like having bigger pieces. Especially apple or pumpkin. Warm apple pie, and pumpkin with lots of whipped cream. Yummy! Oh, and cobbler with sugar cookie crust. SO GOOD! But seriously, I agree. I love it when he talks politics. EPIC-LY LONG FIRST COMMENT!
wolfintheshadows almost 14 years ago
Oh great now I have the need to go out and buy some pies!
fishbulb239 almost 14 years ago
Try living in Washington, DC, Calvin. 600,000 people, and not one of us has any representation in Congress. Move to DC, and toss your citizenship in the ditch.
yow4zip Premium Member over 13 years ago
Mmmmm. Pie.
bmonk over 13 years ago
Don’t worry, Calvin—there are lots of adults who vote like six-year-olds.
WilliamBill over 12 years ago
Butterscotch or chocolate pudding pie -going to the store.
Mark Thames over 11 years ago
Mmmmm, 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971. That’s all I can remember.
Krendall over 4 years ago
Spoken like a true American
graywolfypants over 4 years ago
everyone want a bigger piece, Calvin
graywolfypants over 4 years ago
yeahhiknow I really like pumpkin its my favorite with whip cream and a cherry on top.
Flipbooker about 2 months ago
Great timing for me, todays, election day! (2024)