Actually I remember something similar called “The slide for life” at the Parris Island Recruit Training Depot. They told use it was only filled with sewerage, used motor oil, snakes, and “some other stuff”. If you fell, you were supposed to freeze in a position of attention and shout “Marine Corps”. Never saw anyone fall. This training aid was developed under JFK.
lewisbower over 13 years ago
Actually I remember something similar called “The slide for life” at the Parris Island Recruit Training Depot. They told use it was only filled with sewerage, used motor oil, snakes, and “some other stuff”. If you fell, you were supposed to freeze in a position of attention and shout “Marine Corps”. Never saw anyone fall. This training aid was developed under JFK.
jtviper7 over 13 years ago
Reminds me of a old movie " The Snake Pit "
freeholder1 over 13 years ago
Except that was about Mental health, viper.
freeholder1 over 13 years ago
Gymnastic coach going TO Hell
dera31 over 13 years ago
The look on her face is hilarious.
Seeker149 Premium Member over 13 years ago
Meh, for some of the gymnastics coaches I’ve heard of, that’s just day one.