Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for July 24, 1987
Calvin: More bad news on your polls, Dad. We're looking at an all-time low in popularity here. Dad: Well, Calvin, that's certainly food for thought. Now here's something you can think about. The average cost of raising a kid to age 18 is $100,000. That's a lot of money. So the question you should be asking yourself is. "Is that hundred grand a gift...or a loan?" Calvin: Gotcha, Dad. I was just on my way to bed.
Zerestra over 16 years ago
Wow, I’d never seen this one before! This is my dad!!!
sunshinelegend over 14 years ago
Technically, dad “borrowed” a hundred grand from his dad when he was a kid, and he pays it back by raising his own kid. Calvin will pay back his loan when he raises his kid.
Icalasari over 14 years ago
sunshinelegend: Unless Calvin doesn’t have a kid :P
DragonWizzard about 14 years ago
Icalasari: He will. Or Susie is going to be AWFULLY lonely.
fishbulb239 over 13 years ago
Heck, Calvin will break more than $100k worth of stuff by the time he’s a teenager. Dad needs to adjust his calculations for the cost of Calvin.
NateWright over 12 years ago
and imagine raising eight kids!! thats how much we are!!! :)
yow4zip Premium Member over 12 years ago
Does Calvin feel lucky?
jassonlsm76 almost 9 years ago
Dad is throwing down the gauntlet.
BarrelO'Molasses Premium Member about 8 years ago
It’s a gift; and you pay it back with a grandchild or two. Maybe ten. You can also pay it back by living a long, healthy life, which is what your parents want most from you.
Me2times. over 6 years ago
It’s amazing what your brain understands when you get older and reread material you read as a kid and didn’t understand at the time what was being said
WinkyDoodleDandy over 4 years ago
$233,610 is what google says for July 2020. That’s some seriously compounded inflation.