Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for February 02, 1988
Susie: "...And so, the planet Mercurt is a hot and barren world, the closest to our sun." And to tell us about the mythology of Mercury, here's my partner, Calvin. Calvin: Thank you, thank you! Hey, what a crowd! You look great this morning...really, I mean that! Go on, give yourselves a hand! You know. A funny thing happened on the way to the library yesterday... Susie: This isn't my fault, Miss Wormwood!
Icalasari about 14 years ago
…If that teacher just assigned them Mars, then Calvin would have his first ever A. Mind you, his parents would likely be hiding in a bunker…
PODDARKAVIN about 14 years ago
give yourselves a hand ?
Rion7335 over 12 years ago
Calvin’s a riot
yow4zip Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Calvin will be here all week.
bmonk almost 12 years ago
You know you’re in trouble when all you have is filler material.
bmonk almost 12 years ago
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun—but Susy is distancing herself from Calvin.
the calvinosaurus that calvin wanted to discover almost 10 years ago
if miss wormwood had a rubric, then no doubt A on enthusiasm for calvin
Nate Wright (Mischief God) over 3 years ago
I guess people don’t appreciate funny things that happen on the way to the library…