Calvin: Here's the transmogrifier gun. Now try again, and do it right. I want to be a pterodactyl. Hobbes: Ok, here you go. Calvin: Well, now that's more like it! say, when did you turn yourself into a 200-foot-tall colossus? Calvin: I didn't. Why?
yow4zip Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Big things come in small packages.
bmonk almost 12 years ago
Calvin needs more controls on his transmogrifying gun. Like on his cardboard transmogrifier.
the calvinosaurus that calvin wanted to discover almost 10 years ago
oh, too small
alexzinuro 12 months ago
Calvin should have been more specific. He should have said, “I want to be a Pteranodon”. He said “pterodactyl”, so Hobbes turned him into a Pterodactylus.