Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for April 04, 1988
Calvin: Ahh! Lunch, my favorite meal! And today's lunch is extra special! Ever since the weather got warm I've been swatting flies and saving them in a jar. Finally I got enough bugs to mash them into a gooey paste with a spoon. I call it "but butter." Care for a taste? Susie: Tell me, Calvin. Do you hae ny friends at all?
CaptainObvious almost 14 years ago
Jeeze susie, hes offering you some food and you just insult him like that.
vijayvijay7 about 13 years ago
He’s got a crush Susie… guess who?
yow4zip Premium Member over 11 years ago
Calvin keeps bugging her.
bmonk over 11 years ago
BUG BUTTER! I remember when this first ran!
heorotlinea over 10 years ago
No, Susie, I think you’re it.
Hobbes is the best I'm also pro Susie... almost 4 years ago
i lov the disgusting lunch ones