Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for June 17, 1988
Dad: Gosh, this water's cold! Here, that's all that I could find down there. Go get me a towel, Calvin. It never fails. The one bag the kid dumps in the drink has all the fragile and perishable items in it. Mom: Well, the week can only improve from here. Dad: One would like to think so. Calvin: Hey, Dad, did you mean to stack the tackle box and all this on your glasses?
Icalasari over 14 years ago
And that is why I keep my old pair. I may not be able to see as well with them, but it sure beats not seeing at all
Fies almost 14 years ago
Hey, this is all payback for the last time they went camping.
Krendall about 13 years ago
In panel one it’s Dad’s new binoculars. So no Calvin’s wrecked both pairs.
yow4zip Premium Member over 11 years ago
bmonk over 11 years ago
(1) This is why you don’t give the six-year-old that bag.
(2) Calvin’s revenge. Or Murphy’s.
bmonk over 11 years ago
(3) I like Dad’s use of the subjunctive. It is in vain, however.
glowing-steak32 over 6 years ago
…strike two…
FuriosoTheDog almost 4 years ago