Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for October 03, 1988
Calvin: For show and tell, I brought a space alien I captured in my back yard. Yes, for the last two days I've been kiiping it in this special zarnium-coated bag, and feeding it pure amonia! And now, the moment you've all been waiting for! Aargh! Hobbes: How'd it work? Calvin: My teacher says Mom and Dad both have to sign my report cards this year.
bhillianthe over 14 years ago
Krendall almost 12 years ago
Leave it to public school to stifle a kid’s imagination.
bmonk about 11 years ago
Zarnium? I thought you needed Unobtanium to keep space aliens in isolation.
yow4zip Premium Member about 11 years ago
I liked it, Calvin.
tdoug1 over 9 years ago
I liked this a lot.
Bysshe over 7 years ago
Are there any other kind of aliens besides space aliens?
thepinkbaroness over 2 years ago
Calvin looks so cute in the last panel.