CC: if I just heard somebody get up where somebody's not allowed to be…
…then somebody…
…better think about getting back down where someone is supposed to be!
Louie: Wow, that is way too vague of an accusation for me to respond to okay?
I remember when I was a kid and my dog Butch would sleep on my bed – against my mother’s orders and wishes. When she would come to “wake me up” in the morning Butch would jump off the bed, and both of us would fake being asleep. Some how I don’t think my mother was fooled since there was always a Butch shaped indentation in the bedding.
machpovii3 over 13 years ago
I’m sure he’d respond to, “neutering”.
yyyguy over 13 years ago
in words of small letters: eeewwww!
GROG Premium Member over 13 years ago
Somebody’s not going to be too happy with you if you don’t move it, Louie.
Good Morning, Crew!
rusty gate over 13 years ago
Louie’s seen the captain fight, he’s not too scared.
galanti over 13 years ago
I remember when I was a kid and my dog Butch would sleep on my bed – against my mother’s orders and wishes. When she would come to “wake me up” in the morning Butch would jump off the bed, and both of us would fake being asleep. Some how I don’t think my mother was fooled since there was always a Butch shaped indentation in the bedding.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 13 years ago
Good afternoon Crew!
Henry, in order for Louie to comprehend, you have to be more specific. Not that he would listen anyway! :-D
rgcviper over 13 years ago
Poor Louie. I can just hear his brain cells trying to process that one …
Good Afternoon, Crew.
instigator20 over 13 years ago
Good Afternoon Crew,Late today, but here goes…..Who ? What ? ME?? wouldn’t think of it.Have a GREAT DAY MATIE’S