Congrats to our winner! ...And yes, the hair is waterproof! J-beavs is the first write-in candidate ever to win the new character poll! He'll be appearing as soon as we can write a storyline for him!
Glanced over at the winner….kept staring. WOW WOW WOW. Personally, I think this’ll work; those who aren’t fans can make fun of, those who are are most likely thrilled (the most ardent fans will e offended, that can’t e helped). I say this new guy is a winner, he had me laughing all right! And surprised!
This whole week’s story was probably inspired (if one can use such a word in connection with Justin Bieber) by the idea of this play on names, and this should be the end of it. Or didn’t you all notice the asterisk after the “storyline for him,” leading to “*don’t hold your breath”? Had to zoom to read it, but it’s there.
AGED_ENGINEER Premium Member over 13 years ago
Son of a Beaver!
AGED_ENGINEER Premium Member over 13 years ago
Previous comment refers to October 9, 2004 strip.
sojoman over 13 years ago
The beaver may need to be shaved.
Ida No over 13 years ago
I wonder how well Justin will do on the David Letterman show. Better try him out on a CSI episode first.
BigSlurpy over 13 years ago
He can beat off attackers with both hands.
muskratdottir over 13 years ago
zero over 13 years ago
Frankly - I don’t give a dam…
hariseldon59 over 13 years ago
I wonder if the story line will be titled, “Leave it to Justin Beaver”.
GypsyWoman over 13 years ago
Did he steal that sweater from Mr. Roger’s closet?
GypsyWoman over 13 years ago
And the hair doesn’t match the rest of the pelt either.
orinoco womble over 13 years ago
No, GW, it doesn’t, but it tones with his tail.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 13 years ago
Whoa. I could use that name several ways in a sentence, but not in a sentence I’d post here.
Varnes over 13 years ago
Awe….I can almost hear him thumpin’ his little tail…..
BasicFan over 13 years ago
That’s Rocky the Squirrel wearing a Beatles wig and fake vampires teeth. That was a waste of week..
Pelicanator over 13 years ago
This is offensive to beavers….
Pelicanator over 13 years ago
OH, Justin Bieber….Disregard my last comment
grnbeen over 13 years ago
I’m feeling a little let down after all the hype.
Kvasir42 Premium Member over 13 years ago
Noooooo!!!! Can a croc kill him off in the first panel of the first strip? Please?? I’ve had more than enough of JB in any variation.
chatoyant over 13 years ago
But can he sing?
smoore47 over 13 years ago
What type of beaver visits an apartment?
Arthur E. P. Wall over 13 years ago
Has Justin ever been a governor of Illinois?
Lewisvz over 13 years ago
Why can’t all of them be in a comic at some time?
A.Ficionada over 13 years ago
Will his girlfriend be Selena Gomouse? Or Selemur Gomez?
BurritoBandito over 13 years ago
Simple storyline; camping at the lake. Imagine Bucky in the wild, Satch paddling a canoe, Rob fishing. Insert J-Beav anywhere.
6ryph0n over 13 years ago
I’m thinking maybe a brief appearance… as a hat!
Plods with ...™ over 13 years ago
Better hurry tho. Justin is almost yesterdays news.
LovDComix over 13 years ago
Glanced over at the winner….kept staring. WOW WOW WOW. Personally, I think this’ll work; those who aren’t fans can make fun of, those who are are most likely thrilled (the most ardent fans will e offended, that can’t e helped). I say this new guy is a winner, he had me laughing all right! And surprised!
2011worldchamps over 13 years ago
he he he, his name is beaver
tcity over 13 years ago
L A M E .
klipt8 over 13 years ago
Dear god, NO!!!
TheWildSow over 13 years ago
anthonydfabrizio10 over 13 years ago
Is he one of the minions of Stan?
jpsomebody over 13 years ago
Is he going to be gnaw-ty.
stevebarritt over 13 years ago
So far no appeal.
barjhansen over 13 years ago
Please include in the strip the dog who is like a cat and the cat who is like a dog. They are more interesting than the beaver.
Spodie over 13 years ago
Oh, Darby.
Justin Beaver?
You’re better than that.
Spodie over 13 years ago
I suppose that’s better than the Blago gag I thought was coming………………..But not by much.
Sabrejack Premium Member over 13 years ago
aaannnnd Get Fuzzy jumps the shark
SapphireSkies Premium Member over 13 years ago
This whole week’s story was probably inspired (if one can use such a word in connection with Justin Bieber) by the idea of this play on names, and this should be the end of it. Or didn’t you all notice the asterisk after the “storyline for him,” leading to “*don’t hold your breath”? Had to zoom to read it, but it’s there.
bmckee over 13 years ago
Maybe it’s time for another road trip so Satchel can connect to his Canadian roots. (or Roots, a big clothing line up here.)
CTLaird.tmf over 13 years ago
I’m going to be mad if he doesn’t turn out to be a decent parody on Justin Bieber.
Varnes over 13 years ago
smoore, we’re waiting for the punchline. What type of beaver visits an apartment?……can we get a little help people? anybody………
Kathe over 13 years ago
I don’t like him….would rather have Stunks or the black cat.
johnwalk over 13 years ago
Ouch, I hope it works!
fmasroor over 13 years ago
jaglenn over 13 years ago
This is gonna suck
rolleg over 13 years ago
Please, NO!!!!
Titaniccranium over 13 years ago
makes one wonder if there will be an influx of Bieber pelts on the market…
thieflord8 about 13 years ago
Calvin and hobbes #1 over 4 years ago
Almost as corny as Phil, the “prince of insufficient light” from dilbert
Stupendous Man!!! over 4 years ago