Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for February 18, 1989
Mom: Rosalyn? We're home. Hi, Rosalyn> Did you have a quiet evening? Did you get your studying done?, huh? Rosalyn: I'm sorry, but tonight is really going to cost you. Dad: You're sure no one else in this town will agree to baby-sit Calvin? Mom: Maybe you would like to spend a week on the phone!
Joethedoodle over 11 years ago
My guess, they didn’t do much but Rosalyn could not relax her guard.
yow4zip Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Everyone else screams when Mom calls them.
bmonk almost 11 years ago
Evidently, Dad keeps moth eggs (or chrysalises?) in his wallet
GAT17 almost 10 years ago
Oddly, I think I could handle Calvin. He’s the kind of kid you can’t really fight but you could join if you are comfortable with highly imaginative play.
Then it’s just a matter of sneakily directing him away from destruction.
tdoug1 over 9 years ago
Never give the babysitter the upper hand!
AdmiralMercurial over 9 years ago
Oh geez!
7:00? She couldn’t start studying until 7:00?
Well, heck! I guess her night is ruined!
JasonJackson over 4 years ago
See? I called it.
Odie's best friend almost 3 years ago
i’d baby-sit calvin i have 3 little brothers just like him i baby-sit them all the time
jr1234 over 1 year ago
Paying a baby sitter, they should be invovled playing with the child the entire time.