Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for April 22, 1989
Mom: Look, Calvin, I brought home some jelly doughnuts. Would you like one. Calvin: No, jelly doughnuts gross me out. They're like eating giant, squishy bugs. You bite into then and all their purple guts spill out the other end. You can eat them. Mom: My friends ask me how I stay so thin.
Fies almost 14 years ago
Well… they ARE disgusting..
yow4zip Premium Member over 10 years ago
Good system.
bmonk over 10 years ago
Is this their excuse for only having one child also?
Xalder over 10 years ago
You would think that would get Calvin to eat them.
tdoug1 over 9 years ago
I love them!
The Shadow Ninja about 9 years ago
I don’t rally like doughnuts anyways.
d11faac6c5414509a87332ead42d24ed almost 7 years ago
Just goes to show you, we shouldn’t do nice things for problem children, Mrs. Calvin’s Mother
Me2times. over 6 years ago
The Calvin diet plan
76noos 6 months ago
I agree. Jelly doughnuts are weird.
76noos 6 months ago
Calvin, that sounds exactly like something you’d like to eat.
glowing-steak32 8 days ago
…wouldn’t Calvin like to eat something that’s LIKE a giant bug?