Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for April 27, 1989
Calvin: Hey, Mom, how do you make a long-distance call from out motel room? Mom: Don't play with the phone, Calvin. Who on earth do you want to call? Calvin: Hobbes. I want to make sure he's Ok. Mom: Hobbes isn't going to answer the phone. Don't be silly. You'll see him tomorrow. Calvin: But he's probably all lonely! Mom: I'm sure he's having a good time. Calvin: I hope he isn't renting some movie that I wanted to see.
yow4zip Premium Member over 10 years ago
That would be just like Hobbes to do that.
bmonk over 10 years ago
Yep. No need to rent movies.
AntonL.Graf over 3 years ago
It would have been interesting if Calvin called and Hobbes “answered,” at least in his imagination
76noos about 2 years ago
That would be cool