Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for April 28, 1989
Calvin: Mom, I can't sleep. Mom: I'm sure you can if you just lie quietly. Calvin: But, Hobbes isn't here. Tigers are very comforting. I always fall right asleep when I listen to Hobbes breathing. Mom: Well, you can listen to your dad snoring. Calvin: That's Dad? I thought those were trucks down-shifting on the highway.
bhillianthe over 14 years ago
tigers are very comforting???
renrutnagrom about 12 years ago
" . . .trucks downshifting on the highway . . ." Dad is going to need CPAP in a few years!
yow4zip Premium Member over 10 years ago
The sweet sounds of Dad.
bmonk over 10 years ago
Tigers can be friends, according to Calvin. Pointy, prickly friends—but still friends!
FuriosoTheDog almost 4 years ago
alexzinuro almost 4 years ago
Never miss a diss, do you, Calvin?