She looked just like my next door neighbour; and the woman over the road; and her neighbour; in fact most of the women and girls around here.Was that you sneaking from house to house, Gweedo? I expect you’ve got better taste than that.
The way I see some adults play it, skeet ball would be a much-needed improvement.
I love it. Very funny.
Does this mean that QV had a chance to “accidentally” knock off those greaseballs from Jersey Shore, and failed? Darn.
pcolli over 13 years ago
She looked just like my next door neighbour; and the woman over the road; and her neighbour; in fact most of the women and girls around here.Was that you sneaking from house to house, Gweedo? I expect you’ve got better taste than that.
Niall-Can over 13 years ago
The way I see some adults play it, skeet ball would be a much-needed improvement.
cwreenactor over 13 years ago
I love it. Very funny.
Sherlock Watson over 13 years ago
Does this mean that QV had a chance to “accidentally” knock off those greaseballs from Jersey Shore, and failed? Darn.