We're home, Fred! Did you miss us then? Yes, of course I did- but not in a pacing the floor sort of way!
He’s a cool dude.
My emotionally sensitive canine shows her fear and loneliness by dampening the carpet for us to clean.
Fred doesn’t look like the pacing the floor type.
Leave it to Fred to be brutally honest….like a good basset always with his nose to the to the path of seeking out truth.
bubbabassett over 13 years ago
He’s a cool dude.
lewisbower over 13 years ago
My emotionally sensitive canine shows her fear and loneliness by dampening the carpet for us to clean.
GROG Premium Member over 13 years ago
Fred doesn’t look like the pacing the floor type.
Chconfer over 13 years ago
Leave it to Fred to be brutally honest….like a good basset always with his nose to the to the path of seeking out truth.