Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for February 07, 1990
Calvin: I stepped out into the rainy streets and reviewed the facts. There weren't many. Two saps, Jack and Joe, drive toward each other at 60 and 30 mph. After 10 minutes, they pass. I'm supposed to find out how far apart they started. Questions pour down like the rain. Who are these mugs? What were they trying to accomplish? Why was Jack in such a hurry? And what difference does it make where they started from?? I had a hunch that, before this was over, I'd be sorry I asked.
yow4zip Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Just a bunch of mugs in the rain.
bmonk about 9 years ago
He’s asking a lot of questions. Not so many answers.
DevilDog2001 Premium Member over 5 years ago
Except for the cigarette, I like the Tracer Bullet stories.
Humerus1 10 months ago
ten and 5 miles apart right?