Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for March 31, 1991
Susie: Uh oh, here comes Calvin. The incurable weirdness poster child. Hi Calvin. What's with the mask and bucket? Calvin: Hmph. This is a poem! Please do what you're told! And here is a bucket of water, ice-cold. Please take this water, and dump it on me! Don't hesitate! Do it A.S.A.P. Just wait till you touch the "pernicious poem place"!! Ooooh you'll be sorry then! Hobbes: Wheee! I love playing Calvinball! This is a bag flag zone!
Xalder about 10 years ago
Ahaha, man, I’d love to see Suzie join in playing Calvinball. xD
DoubleU over 9 years ago
Goodness, Cal seems to lose even at his own game.
yow4zip Premium Member over 8 years ago
Incurably weird and I wouldn’t have him any other way.
patnrog about 8 years ago
I’m not sure how to bold or italicize my question… I see t-shirts/hoodies that are Calvin/Hobbes… are these legit? or are they rip-offs?
weatherford.joe over 7 years ago
That evil look on Susie’s face though…
JosueFigueroaCaraballo almost 6 years ago
Comic Man X about 5 years ago
Calvin’s face in the 7th panel he looks so sad and Susie looks like she’s the devil in the 7th panel too
PranavDixit almost 4 years ago
thats what i would do if i were susie.Its called taking advantage of the situation!
Garfield #1 Fan Premium Member about 3 years ago
He could’ve made the plant a boomerang zone so Hobbes would have to do that