Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for February 02, 1992
Calvin: If you ask me, Hobbes, the whole notion of "instant gratification" is a myth! I don't ever get what I want when I want it! I always have to wait! Look how long it's taken me to be six years old! Practially forever! When do I get to drive?! When can I go see gory, violent movies?! Why do I have to wait till I'm older?! People say life's a journey, but I'm tired of wasting my precious time in transit! I say, if you want to find out where the road goes, get in the fast lane and hit the gas! Spare me the scenery and let's get where we're going! I'm a busy guy! I've got places to be! Gosh, that was over quick.
weatherford.joe over 9 years ago
The first half-page Sunday strip. I notice that Watterson numbered the panels in this one.
yow4zip Premium Member almost 8 years ago
I’ll take the scenery.
Pets of the comics almost 4 years ago
SarcasticCauliflower about 3 years ago
Honestly this really shows why it’s an amazing strip. Not just playing safe but really pushing the comic strip as an art form. Don’t get me wrong, Calvin and Hobbes isn’t the first strip to be philosophical or push boundaries on the strip format but I feel he really pushed the medium.
MaverickMoPete about 3 years ago
Watterson has been saying since day one that comic strips could be taken serious as an art form, but creativity was being stifled by things like rigid panel layouts that were more designed for newspaper convenience than artistic freedom. Given the freedom to lay out his Sundays any way he liked, Watterson would go on to make some amazing Sunday displays and give comic strips a shot in the arm it desperately needed at the time.