Student 1: What if grown-ups still had recess instead of coffee breaks?
Student 2: Bet there'd be less stress.
Student 3: And less weight problems.
Student 4: But way more skinned knees.
Frazz: A small price to pay.
Adults should definitely still have recess. Imagine having a half hour each day not in addition to lunch to go outside – read, swing, chat, play a game. That would be wonderfully restorative.
One of the benefits of being an employer is that I can, and do, encourage my staff to take a recess. We have balls, bats, sticks, and all manner of exercise toys to play with, including our bicycles of course.
weq15 about 13 years ago
calvin ball
18eities about 13 years ago
nope, suicide kings (as seen in the comic precocious) with the waer balloons replaced by hockey sticks
doctorwho29 about 12 years ago
Grown ups need recess
LoveyDove about 9 years ago
Adults should definitely still have recess. Imagine having a half hour each day not in addition to lunch to go outside – read, swing, chat, play a game. That would be wonderfully restorative.
bkwanab almost 6 years ago
One of the benefits of being an employer is that I can, and do, encourage my staff to take a recess. We have balls, bats, sticks, and all manner of exercise toys to play with, including our bicycles of course.