Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for April 02, 1992
Calvin: This article says that by age six, most children have watched 5,000 hours of TV, a quarter of their waking lives! I haven't watched that much! Think of all the great shows I've missed! I've been deprived of cultural references! I'm ignorant of countless amazing products! Hurry! If I watch TV until bedtime, I can get in a few precious extra hours and catch up a bit! Hobbes: Remedial vegetation. Calvin: Help me learn this theme song, ok?
Xalder over 10 years ago
Theme song?
“Spin it, let’s begin itbear and grin itwhen you’re in ityou can win itin a minuteif you spin itspin itspin it!”
yow4zip Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Calvin’s funny.
noissimbus over 3 years ago
Articles with Calvin as target audience need to get to the point in the first sentence, or risk misapprehension.
MaverickMoPete about 3 years ago
6 years * 365 days/year * 24 hours/day = 52,560 hours.
5000 hours would be just under 10% of their lives.
And in order to have watch 5000 hours of television in six years, you’d have to watch an average of just over 2 hours/day.