Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for August 04, 1992
Calvin: I don't have to go to bed now! I don't have to do what you say! Dad: Actually, you do. It's in your contract. Calvin: My contract? What contract? Dad: Oh, it's a pretty standard pre-natal form. I had power of attorney since you were just a few cells. Paragraph two specifies your bedtime. Calvin: Dad says I can renegotiate when I'm 18. Hobbes: This 7:30 bedtime will be tough to explan to your prom date.
PURO-LOCO-SCOTT over 13 years ago
You gotta love it when Calvin’s parents get on over on him…it happens so rarely.
weatherford.joe about 9 years ago
7:30?! When I was his age, my bedtime was 9.
yow4zip Premium Member over 7 years ago
Prenatal form. That’s funny.
Bibleman2002 over 5 years ago
Let’s see how he like it when he an old fogey wheelchair bound and being kept in a nursing home where he has his bedtime choosen for him (aka 7:00pm) when he thinks back and he’s gonna regrets those words till the day he dies
AntonL.Graf over 3 years ago
Dad is the real reincarnation of Thomas Hobbes