Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for November 09, 1992
Calvin: Ooh, this burns me up! A coded message saying "Calvin is a porridge brain!" The nerve! The bizarre skull drawing, the cut and pasted lettters, the code...all that suspense and mystery for an insult! What kind of depraved maniac would go to so much trouble?! Rrrghh, I wish I knew who sent this!! Our only clue is that the twisted fiend has too much time on his hands. Mom: Another letter for you, Calvin! How nice to get so much mail.
Q.D.McGraw about 7 years ago
Hobbes looks so inoccent.
yow4zip Premium Member about 7 years ago
So much drama.
sunchaunzo about 6 years ago
I’m liking this story arc.
noissimbus over 3 years ago
His Mom says that, but no adult loves getting so much mail because they’re most likely either dreaded bills, useless bank statements or spammy ads.
claycorns12345 4 months ago
angry calvin is the best!