Frazz by Jef Mallett for December 05, 2009
Caulfield says, "Which lane?" Frazz says, "Well if I had my druthers?" Caulfield says, "Your what?" Frazz says, "Li'l Abner." Caulfield says, "Good grief! You're using language froma 50-year old comic strip?" Frazz says, "Wait. Back up a frame." Caulfield says, "Druther not."
Blackthorne42 about 10 years ago
Peeking through the Fourth Wall again. With cultural references, no less. Love it.
toahero over 9 years ago
Nice going there, Charlie Brown
DKHenderson about 1 month ago
Who came up with the expression “Good Grief”, anyway? It’s like an oxymoron.
DevilDog2001 Premium Member 4 days ago
Lil Abner was older than 50 by the time this strip ran. It began in 1933.