Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for September 13, 2010
Gina says, "Ugh! I've got to sit behind you?" Nate says, "Hey, if you don't like it, Gina, change it!" Nate says, "You're Mrs. Godfrey's favorite! If you ask her, she'll probably move you!" Gina says, "Hmmm. You're right!..." Gina says, "...But why should I move? I'm going to ask her to move you as far away from me as possible!" Nate says, "It's a little hard to see the blackboard from here, but otherwise it's not too bad."
kenivlikesbignate over 12 years ago
THE #1 COOL KID! over 8 years ago
thats just cruelnate did nothing to have to sit therhe had to sit ther because someone askedthat is so CRUEL
LINK_O_NEAL over 6 years ago
I really feel like Godfrey is breaking some kind of code or law right now by not having Nate in her “sight”. And what the heck? Is Gina really that powerful to Godfrey that she can control where Nate sits at school? That’s insane.
yoshadoo (I do stuff you don't care about) over 3 years ago
Is that even legal?
Passionfruit over 3 years ago
That’s just plain mean
NFT Lawn Care over 3 years ago
Social distancing
3ND3RB0Z0 over 2 years ago
Gina and Godfrey are just idiot
3ND3RB0Z0 over 2 years ago
BigNateFanForever1 about 1 year ago
Godfrey is abusive. Case in point.