This riles me because it ignores established GA history. Skeezix is a fairly intelligent guy. He ran a fix-it shop, for God’s sake. He wouldn’t think to check this out? I could buy it if it was Slim, but not this!
@airboy20 I could not agree moreThis was mindless summer vacation fillerWe GA followers deserve betterI am a single woman, no plumbing experience and knew enough to check the water supply when the very same thing happened to meAs clueless as Slim is, I think even he could have solved thisGive us some life experience credit.Unless there is some surprise twist in tomorrows’ strip…Arrest Scancarelli…we was robbed!
w2lj over 13 years ago
Skeezix ain’t stupid. I’m surprised he didn’t think to at least take a look at that, first.
OldManMountain over 13 years ago
How’s Chipper doing?
spirit2002 over 13 years ago
Isn’t his name supposed to be JOE, the plumber? Got a bridge to NOWHERE for sale. Ya Betcha!
harebell over 13 years ago
Yes, how is Chipper doing? We hear all about Clovia and her family but Chipper rarely makes an appearance. Author take note!
Airboy20 over 13 years ago
This riles me because it ignores established GA history. Skeezix is a fairly intelligent guy. He ran a fix-it shop, for God’s sake. He wouldn’t think to check this out? I could buy it if it was Slim, but not this!
Uncle Mordy over 13 years ago
hey… he’s getting older and starting to slip.
roohey over 13 years ago
@airboy20 I could not agree moreThis was mindless summer vacation fillerWe GA followers deserve betterI am a single woman, no plumbing experience and knew enough to check the water supply when the very same thing happened to meAs clueless as Slim is, I think even he could have solved thisGive us some life experience credit.Unless there is some surprise twist in tomorrows’ strip…Arrest Scancarelli…we was robbed!