Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for February 25, 2007
"Where's all the tofu I bought, mom?" "What is it, Mom?" "Oh, son, I was hoping to wait and tell you this when you were older...." "What is it? Am I adopted? Are you and Dad splitting up?" "Worse, son... your father believes in the tofu cow." "The what?" "Son, your father believes that tofu is a meat that comes from the mighty tofu cow. If you put tofu in the fridge, he will sculpt it into a tofu cow, put it outside and convince himself it's real." "Why, mother, why?" "Because he thinks <i>I</i> believe in the tofu cow, son... and when he catches it, he feels proud." "Catches it?!... Mother, tell me my dad doesn't hunt - " "WOE TO DA TOFU COW!!" "<i>No no no noo</i>" "Don't look, son... don't look."
benjamineyal about 6 years ago
Poor junior
Boxo croco says happy derby almost 5 years ago
*real* Guard Duck over 3 years ago
really, really confusing.
*real* Guard Duck over 3 years ago
I still don’t get it.
Squirrel Chaser over 2 years ago
Makes me think of the ‘Tofudebeest’ from “The Far Side”
the muppets. over 1 year ago
I don’t get it, can someone explain it please.