Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for September 20, 2009
Rat says, "What the heck is that?" Pig says, "Moped monkey! I ordered it from the 'Monkey in a box' catalog." Rat says, "Why do we want a stupid monkey?" Pig says, "Because everyone's so down these days. I thought, what better way to cheer us all up than a cute l'il monkey on a moped?" Pig says, "Look! Look! There he is! hullo, little monkey wunkey! Where's your moped, l'il monkey wunkey?" Monkey says," Moped? I don't have a moped. I don't have squat. My whole life is @#%$." Rat says, "Dude, you didn't order 'Moped monkey.' You ordered 'Mopey monkey.'" Pig says, "Well now, he's not as fun." Monkey says, "Hey, But me the mope. I'll drive it off a cliff." Rat says, "Acme moped? What do you got cheap?"
KatP Premium Member almost 12 years ago
huky over 4 years ago
“ACME moped? what do you have cheap?”
SomeOtherGocomicsGuy about 4 years ago
While he doesn’t come with a moped, he does come with some booze!
robert423elliott almost 2 years ago
“Sorry, we just sold our last moped to Wile E. Coyote!”