Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for May 16, 2010
Bob says, "Hullooooo, zeeba neighba. Leesten. We crocs leetle tired you atteetude." Zebra says, "Yeah, well, I've had it with you, too." Bob says, "Yeah. Well, we is hate you more. So eeder you is change or Larry here write tell-all book about you and you stoopid face." Zebra says, "Yeah, well I suggest you get a ghost writer because none of you crocs is smart enough to read a book, much less write a book." Bob says, "Ohhhh, we no smart enough, huh? Well, dat EXAKK kind of rudeness we is talk about een book. Right, Larry?" Larry says, "Boo." Bob says, "Dat no what ghost writer is, Larry." Larry says, "Gud. 'Cause it hard to write wid sheet on hed, Bob."
Pelahnar about 12 years ago
Bob knows what a ghost writer is?
singkong2012 almost 11 years ago
dude Larry’s son is smarter than him