Bug Blog by Cuco Rocha National Cane-In Tea party Caucus Congress members are proud that they won't cave to demands to fix the economy. Meanwhile, more and more Americans have to live in caves.
Apparently “fix the economy” means more taxation, more regulation, more bureaucracy, and less freedom. And the Taxed-Enough-Already Party is supposed to agree with this?
Government can only “fix the economy” by reversing the things they’ve done to damage the economy in the first place.
Just raise the tax rates to Raygun era levels. And make hedge fund managers pay top rate instead of 15%capital gains rate. Whole mess is fixed. Oh, and raise that income cap for FICA beyond $106,800. I guess the government was slightly more efficient than all of those captains of industry they bailed out, eh Lewreader?
lewisbower over 13 years ago
We make the poor rich by making the rich poor. Repeat
pschearer Premium Member over 13 years ago
Apparently “fix the economy” means more taxation, more regulation, more bureaucracy, and less freedom. And the Taxed-Enough-Already Party is supposed to agree with this?
Government can only “fix the economy” by reversing the things they’ve done to damage the economy in the first place.
drtom01 over 13 years ago
That was when Ex-Pres Bush enacted the Tax cuts in 2001 and the two unfunded war Bush started.
peachyanddanny over 13 years ago
Just raise the tax rates to Raygun era levels. And make hedge fund managers pay top rate instead of 15%capital gains rate. Whole mess is fixed. Oh, and raise that income cap for FICA beyond $106,800. I guess the government was slightly more efficient than all of those captains of industry they bailed out, eh Lewreader?