Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for March 05, 2000
Brad asks Nancy, "Mom? Did you do my laundry?" Nancy replies, "Yes, Brad." Brad then asks, "Did you iron my flannel?" Nancy replies, It's hanging in your closet." Brad says to Frank, "Dad, my car's not runnin'. Can I use yours? And I need to borrow $20 bucks." Walking past Luann, Brad says "I'm takin' your CD player, ok, Luann? I can't find mine." Brad then asks, "Anyone know what time it is? My watch is busted." Nancy replies, "It's six. Be home by 10:30, Brad." Brad says to Nancy, "Mom, I'm 19. Don't you think I can handle a little independence?"
Marisa Ruffolo Premium Member about 12 years ago