FoxTrot en Español by Bill Amend for August 18, 2011

  1. Rick
    davidf42  over 13 years ago

    Apartment 3-G – That sounds like they’re “kissing cousins.”Fox Trot – He’s trying to melt a popsicle to get grape juice, but I don’t know which word means popsicle.Funky Winkerbean – I’m new to FW. Can someone tell me who these characters are?Judge Parker – That looks like a dangerous thing to do.Mark Trail – So, that’s her angle.Mary Worth – Quit stalling and tell us what happened.Phantom – Quick stop? In Mexico? Yeah right. How long will this quick stop last? – Florchi, thanks for pointing out that discrepancy with the torch.Rex Morgan – In schools I know, Kelly’s attire would be in violation of dress codes.Annie – Here’s the link to Today’s Annie .

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  2. Pesky
    Teh Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Funky Winkerbean – Les Moore and his girlfriend Cayla Williams who met at the school they work at. I wasn’t expecting a proposal this soon.Apartment 3-G – i don’t blame her for not wanting to attend a family reunion when they haven’t been dating very longMary Worth – some interesting albeit disturbing predictions made yesterday!Phantom – I was hoping he’d spend more time at Walker’s Table as i’ve never read the strip when he was there. I’ve seen old Phantom comics set in the area

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  3. My boys
    woodworker318  over 13 years ago

    I guess I was wrong about P’s location, but what did he do with Hero and how did he get to Walkers Table in the middle of the desert?

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  4. Silverknights
    JanLC  over 13 years ago

    MW: could this narrative be any more slowly drawn out?

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  5. Th
    marvee  over 13 years ago

    A3G – LuAnn likes the kissing but doesn’t want all those cousins. Families like Paul’s can be suffocating.JP – Randy is being stalked and maybe not ineptly.Funky – When Les suggested a walk I thought he might propose, but when he talked so much about Lisa I changed my mind. Not sure I’d accept after all that.Phantom – Isn’t his usual setting in Africa? Could be S. America, but still a long ride on horse back. Or does he have other magical powers?

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  6. Th
    marvee  over 13 years ago

    Foxtrot – Jason is probably right with the skull and crossbones.Re: yesrerday, palates can mean a small shovel or trowel – maybe stick? But I didn’t find derriten, but that phrase must mean popsicle.

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  7. Phpppb2xt c1pm
    SWEETBILL  over 13 years ago

    Rex- Aaw, poor Kelly, she could of at least faked studing her history book for mommie.

    3G- Are they related, kissing cousins ( as in ‘sin’) :-) WOW!!

    MW- Did he hit a skateboarder?

    JP- Ransom money!?

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  8. Missing large
    andrelguera  over 13 years ago

    I have problem sending a message Oo

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  9. Missing large
    andrelguera  over 13 years ago

    Ok.. i was reading in google..

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  10. Missing large
    andrelguera  over 13 years ago

    Popsicle is a mark of ice-cream; in spanish.. we have many words to say “ice-cream” like “helado”, “paleta fria”, “chupete” or “paleta”

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  11. Missing large
    andrelguera  over 13 years ago

    Icecream with a cone is “Helado”Icecream in a popsicle is “Paleta” or “Chupete”..

    “Derriten” come from the verb “Derretir” (Melt)…mmm idk if is a good example.. but is like that xD

    “El helado se derrite”.. “The icecream melts”..

    See you

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