Angel: "You give them free will and they spend a fortune on self-empowerment seminars!"
Imagine being God and watching comics for eternity.
The comics will taper off as the protons decay.
Maybe entropy will doom the natural universe to a time where there are just a few sub-atomic particles floating around in nothingness, but my belief in God goes beyond the natural world to the super-natural where he dwells.
May 26, 2018
June 11, 2017
July 17, 2017
July 20, 2017
July 25, 2017
August 25, 2017
August 31, 2017
September 03, 2017
September 08, 2017
September 19, 2017
September 21, 2017
October 20, 2017
October 28, 2017
November 01, 2017
November 08, 2017
November 12, 2017
November 14, 2017
November 03, 2017
November 24, 2017
December 02, 2017
lewisbower over 13 years ago
Imagine being God and watching comics for eternity.
RonaldDavis over 13 years ago
The comics will taper off as the protons decay.
galanti over 13 years ago
Maybe entropy will doom the natural universe to a time where there are just a few sub-atomic particles floating around in nothingness, but my belief in God goes beyond the natural world to the super-natural where he dwells.