Barney & Clyde by Gene Weingarten; Dan Weingarten & David Clark for September 03, 2011

  1. Hillbilly1
    Hillbillyman  over 13 years ago

    Might be a Rat which actually is the same thing.

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  2. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  over 13 years ago

    Less hair to skin off a rat’s tail.

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    frumdebang  over 13 years ago

    In Mexico, where butcher shops routinely sell rabbit, the rabbit comes skinned and headless, but with the fluffy tail still attached. This is because from the neck back, rabbits and cats are built the same; they just move differently. You check that the fluffy tail isn’t stapled on to ensure you aren’t eating cat stew.

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  4. Tt2
    TheSpanishInquisition  over 13 years ago

    Did you kill HAMMY???!!!

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  5. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 13 years ago

    An old acquaintance of mine who grew up in the mountains of New Hampshire once told me that squirrels are good eating, but he’d never eat an urban squirrel. Country Squirrels eat nuts and berries, but City Squirrels eat garbage, and you can tell…

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  6. Missing large
    comicnut4636  over 13 years ago

    Hope it wasn’t Bob.

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  7. Text if you d like to meet him
    Yukoneric  over 13 years ago

    Nothing like biscuits and gravy and fried squirrel…………………

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  8. Img 0041
    Dapperdan61  Premium Member over 13 years ago

    I found Sundays strip at Arcamax Comics

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