FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for September 28, 2011
Paige: Have you ever noticed how many retired people are at the mall? Loitering on benches... talking to each other... I swear, some of them practically live here. It's so sad. Jason: That they have nothing more interesting to do? Paige: That I have to wait 50 years for my turn. Jason: You're pretty sad already.
Destiny23 over 13 years ago
Paige dreams of the day empty stores are rented out as apartments, so she can LIVE at the mall!
Knightman Premium Member over 13 years ago
We hang at the Mall just like the teenagers do, so whats the diff?
davidf42 over 13 years ago
Reminds me of the old codger I sat next to one day at the mall. He said he comes there every day to see what’s become of his farm. He sold the land for five million bucks and retired.
NE1956 over 13 years ago
Out of the mouth of Jason. And correct.
josh_bisbee over 13 years ago
There was a story about some guys that found a little hideaway that also had a way into the mall. They didn’t really live there, but they fixed it up and used it off and on for years before being caught
REDROCKER51 over 13 years ago
i’ve been to a mall once….a bunch of quacks if you ask me……
DerkinsVanPelt218 over 13 years ago
The dreaded mall walkers.
jpsomebody over 13 years ago
I dread going to the maul.