FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for December 17, 2011
Jason: What's this document? Computer: It's my Christmas list. This year I'm asking for more memory, a bigger hard drive, and goldplated connectors for my USB ports. Jason: And who do you think would give you any of that?! Computer: Maybe the same person who hacked the Florida election board's mainframe last month? Jason: If you ask me, you've got too much memory as it is. Computer: Shall I access an online store for you, Santa?
Lyons Group, Inc. about 13 years ago
That’s why Jason’s i-Fruit’s a “memory” today!
x_Tech about 13 years ago
As old as this strip is, I remember way back when, if you wanted an RS232 connection (serial port) you had to hack a jack in the back of your Mac.
Doctor11 about 13 years ago
Un oh, I THINK we have a possibly supercomputer on our hands. Quick! Someone call the Doctor!
Jogger2 about 13 years ago
Was this originally released in December of 2000, by any chance?
chess18 about 13 years ago
Plug-enstein! AHHHH!
DerkinsVanPelt218 about 13 years ago
Absolutely no one saw “Dubya’s” victory coming in 2000. We dealt with that for eight years.
x_Tech about 13 years ago
Colossus: This is the voice of world control. I bring you peace.
dflak about 13 years ago
RS-232 – yeah I remember jumpering female to female with paper clips.