Rick: You have a book contract? Jeff: Yup. With Random House! I'm going to meet with my editor now - she thinks my book will be one of the big hits of the season! Rick: I'm not trapped in one of your fantasies, am I? Jeff: C'mon, Dad. I'm not that good.
BE THIS GUY over 13 years ago
No, you are trapped in each others lives.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 13 years ago
This is the first bit of self-depricating humor I’ve heard from Jeff. Is it a sign of his ongoing recovery after being redeemed by his mother Joanie?
rayannina over 13 years ago
Don’t think so – he still LOOKS as cocky as ever.
Kali over 13 years ago
It’s the Rascal’s world – we just live in it. And it’s certainly a better fantasy than that one the guy before Obama “wrote.” I hope it has pikchures.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 13 years ago
I believe in Jeff.
luckylouie over 13 years ago
Jeff’s hair sure grew fast since yesterday. Is that his “published writer” haircut?
crlinder over 13 years ago
I’ll bet Jeff didn’t read the contract very carefully, if at all. I suspect the great deal he just signed is great for the publisher, but not Jeff.
Rodney99 over 13 years ago
Well ONE of them is certainly hallucinating.
Doughfoot over 13 years ago
Notice that Jeff’s haircut has changed? It used to be identical to Trff’s, with the back of the head shaved.
jgcp1 over 13 years ago
Put me down for a copy.
roctor over 13 years ago
When your proposal is scribed on toilet paper, expect to pay for your concept to become an idea.out!
Sandfan over 13 years ago
I see a great future for Jeff as a hack churning out “bodice ripping” romance novels.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 13 years ago
Go Jeff!
freeholder1 over 13 years ago
You guys don’t get that GT is going to publish a Jeff book himself (by whatever ghost may fly by) and this is the ad??? Are you new to then Doonesbury world or what?
freeholder1 over 13 years ago
Note: if the reality show waste of times can get their stuff published and there are still folks who believe the Swift Boat/Beck/Coulter/etal lies (excuse me) journalism then this kid will do great with his stuff unless Oprah picks it for her book club.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 13 years ago
Go Oprah!
Doughfoot over 13 years ago
Most of our movies are Manichean fantasies of impossibly clever and/or able heroes battling against one or the other of the Forces of Darkness. We don’t know how to make adult movies any more (if we ever did), only cartoons.
The Red Rascal will do fine as a serially produced “graphic novel”. Random House will just have to find another precocious youngster to draw it for Jeff. …
Dragoncat over 13 years ago
Please let this book deal be a success…if only to rub the rewards in his father’s face.
RinaFarina over 13 years ago
This comment is for dtΠ:
Altho John Grisham isn’t the world’s best writer, I find him entertaining, and his book The Rainmaker gives a thoro, detailed portrayal of what the insurance companies get away with and how they do it. Recommended if only for educational value. (This is in answer to what you said about insurance companies a few days ago.)
RinaFarina over 13 years ago
I am 2 days late, but in case anyone reads this, altho John Grisham isn’t the world’s best writer, I find him entertaining, and his book The Rainmaker gives a thoro, detailed portrayal of what the insurance companies get away with and how they do it. Recommended if only for educational value.
RinaFarina over 13 years ago
One last question before I depart today’s strip for some others: A lot of people seem to really believe that this is really true, not another of Jeff’s daydreams? Really!! A real contract? Really!!
Oh well, we’ll see. So far, I can’t take it as real (“real” in the sense of gt’s “real” characters, most of whom don’t have fantasies in their “real” lives).