Angry Little Girls by Lela Lee for September 01, 2011
This is my dog Patsy. She's the cutest! This is my cat percy. He's the cutest! Patsy chases her tail around and around!!! Percy sleeps with his two paws under his chin! Patsy jumps on my bed and kisses me awake! Percy comes to to my window and meows for me to come outside! Patsy is the cutest. Percy is the cutest. I don't like you.
stanleyhowens over 13 years ago
Who are they talking to?
trekkermint over 13 years ago
we need ferret girl
margueritem over 13 years ago
How about Gila monster girl? Or boa constricter girl?
Skylark over 13 years ago
They’re acting so………
Aneta-32 over 12 years ago
I like both.
Masked Pup almost 4 years ago
I’m a dog person but i also like cats