Mutt & Jeff by Bud Fisher for September 15, 2011

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    MitziFlowers  over 13 years ago

    damn that’s clever

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    eddie6192  over 13 years ago

    Mutt took advantage of a church sale.

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  3. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  over 13 years ago

    Awww…Mrs Mutt isn’t THAT bad, but I guess Mr. Mutt stepped into that one.

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    tuslog64  over 13 years ago

    Good thing the bride is out of hearing range!

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    Number Three  over 13 years ago



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  6. Right here
    Sherlock Watson  over 13 years ago

    I’m so glad to see this strip, because now I finally understand a Benny Hill gag that I never really got before.

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    WLLilly1960  over 13 years ago

    …I DO NOT like this colorized , at least not without the option to see the true B&W version , and I’m thinking of dropping my account , GoComics . Please make B&W versions available for all strips , both reprint and new , that are meant as " true " B&W strips ( Dick Tracy for instance – I am Facebook friends with Joe Staton , it is drawn with B&W in mind as the " true " version , he said that . ) . I’m not asking for the colorized versions to be iced – Just for the B&W versions – True , not " colorized with the color digitaly stripped out " to be seen !!

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    WLLilly1960  over 13 years ago

    …I don’t like , generally , colorized movies either . They look , by and large , like an out-of-tune color TV set . I would like to see the original linework and shading , done seventy years ago or so .

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    tuslog64  over 13 years ago

    They colorized Wonderful Life, but it seems to me the original B&W is shown most often?

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