Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for September 30, 2011

  1. Alfred e neuman
    FatTonyBalducci  over 13 years ago

    Predecessor to the chicken?

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  2. 654px red eyed tree frog   litoria chloris edit1
    Superfrog  over 13 years ago

    Yeah, Ref. The guy was clearly offside!

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    Puddleglum2  over 13 years ago

    Anyone who believes in bird-like dinosaurs is a bird-brain! They are not really feathers, and if they were, it would be a bird. The whole theory of evolution is a ‘hoax’ whether the proponents realize it or not. Evolution is absolutely impossible under any circumstances and even infinite time wouldn’t be enough to allow for it to happen. Face it! God created the universe no matter how much anyone refuses to believe it!

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    Sodaburger  over 13 years ago

    Tenny, Minn. only has a population of 3 people?

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    Sodaburger  over 13 years ago

    ..i think this is another “Believe it or Not” that I’m going to vote “Not”

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    tuslog64  over 13 years ago

    Has anyone ever considered the possibility that maybe we were created to evolve? A microbiologist will confirm that germs that were conquered several years ago can now eat penecilin for breakfast. It’s been reported that deer are getting smaller – (Predatory evolution) Think: Deer hunters are striving to bring down the BIGGEST buck – thus size is no longer an advantage. Geese that used to fly south for the winter are now stopping here in western Illinois. With corn being shelled in the field (spillage – food supply) why fly another 600 miles to the Gulf and dodge thousands of hunters with shotguns. Geese may have bird brains, but they are not stupid! (One local spot is a pond made when a freeway ramp was made. On the other side of the pond is the new hospital – talk about a safe spot – no hunting!)

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    Lawrence Cohen  over 13 years ago

    Hey Puddleglum2: This is not an either/or scenario. You can believe in both. The Catholic Church is okay with evolution. Are you going to tell me they don’t believe in God? I think evolution is a great idea, and it was clever of God to come up with it.

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    Artie Adams  over 13 years ago

    I’ve seen thousands of “feathered, bird-like dinosaurs around 16 inches long”.

    They were called CHICKENS.

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    iced tea  over 13 years ago

    What in the world is wrong with the residents of Tenney, Minn.?

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    Pygar  over 13 years ago

    What does evolution have to do with the creation of the Universe?

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    Puddleglum2  over 13 years ago

    I always try to be very careful.Only a cruel God would create using evolution! The fossil evidence shows pain, suffering, destruction and death long before humans appeared (according to so-called science). Human sin is the cause of pain, suffering, destruction and death. Despite the claims of ‘scientism’, the fossils resulted primarily from Noah’s worldwide flood and the aftermath.

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    jzfrench  over 13 years ago

    Information that needs a lot of work before even starting to look like something that happened. Micro-evolution DOES occur. It’s when a animal or plant adapts to it’s environment. That’s what you are unknowingly referring to, exturk. However, macro evolution(What you’re referring to, Night-Gaunt) has never been seen. No one has ever seen a species of dinosaur actually slowly evolve into a bird. What evolutions have done is see dinosaurs without feathers, dinosaurs with feathers, and birds with feathers. They have yet to find anything in the stages of evolving into one or the other. Another thing – there ARE absolutes. We all have a inward moral code that tells us that some things are wrong. For instance – why is it that it is wrong to murder, if we are all descended from early apes? If it makes us have more resources, or wealth, according to the law of the animal world, it’s alright to kill. Think over that one for a while.

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