Frazz by Jef Mallett for October 08, 2011
Caulfield: Woohoo! The Rodney Rockets won again last night! Frazz: I didn't know you were a football fan. Caulfield: Now coach Hacker will show game video during health class. While I read ahead about Lewis & Clark so I can spend history class doing math homework, and math class doing vocabulary and then have study hour free to plan inappropriate questions for science class. Frazz: Is "convoluted" in your vocabulary sheet? Caulfield: Football is a game of strategy.
Olddog1 about 13 years ago
And no work to take home. Works for me.
clico111 about 13 years ago
I was wondering where the author is from. I am a network engineer who wears coveralls, named clif (with 1 f) who volunteers at the local youth shelter to help kids. In a recent strip, Clif is on the front of his shirt. Just wondering if I know the creator.
bagbalm about 13 years ago
I refused to do any homework the last two years of school. They were quite unhappy with me.
IQTech61 about 13 years ago
“Football is a game of strategy.” Really? Let’s see a game played with absolutely no physical contact and see how many people keep watching.
Cathy38c about 13 years ago
I rather play dress up.
daverrtech about 13 years ago
Wonderful strip!
weasleman4 about 13 years ago
Actually, there is a sport where the players smash into each other without pads. It’s called rugby.
Michelle Morris about 13 years ago
Caulfield should either be the heir apparent of the Daily Show or Craig Ferguson’s sidekick (like he really needs one!) on The Late Late Show!
lmchildress about 13 years ago
[That is what football is marketed as—a blood sport. Me, I would remove the body armor and you will find players won’t be so eager to smash each other.]Weaselman beat me to rugby…
JackBonn about 13 years ago
[I was wondering where the author is from]
Wikipedia says he lives in Lansing, Michigan.
CyranoSmith about 13 years ago
Probably regarding ‘clif’ energy bars …and @ weasleman4 ‘Give Blood – Play Rugby’