La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for October 16, 2011

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    Christopher Shea  about 13 years ago

    Is it trickling down yet? It’s been 30 years….

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  2. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member about 13 years ago

    you just aren’t patient enough…..look! here it comes……it’s trickling……yep, we’re in the money now…..only a matter of time now…….

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    nerdhoof  about 13 years ago

    It’s trickling down, warm and yellow…

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    hkyjckfjt  about 13 years ago

    And the weird thing is, Reagan , Grover Norquist’s idol, actually raised taxes almost a dozen times in eight years. Red, right, retarded!

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  5. Me 3 23 2020
    ChukLitl Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Forfeit every tax cut since Eisenhower if you close factories & outsource.

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  6. Me one at home june 2009
    DavidMac  about 13 years ago

    That’s right, all you leftist morons, raise taxes on the rich so that the poor can hire more people. Does THAT make sense?

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    krayziehustler Premium Member about 13 years ago

    @ David MCqueen -Tax breaks for the rich have been in place for 10 years (Bush Tax Cuts haven’t expired)….How is that working out, how many jobs have they created?

    These tax breaks are doing nothing but taking away much needed revenue for the US.

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