Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for February 07, 1992
luann: it feels kinda weird to eat. i got four rubber bands put on my braces yesterday. bernice: four?! bernice: i heard about a guy who yawned in a restaurant and one of his bands snapped and flew into a ladies soup. luann: those dumb stories are totally bogus, bernice. delta: oh no! i'm having soup!! bernice: aaaaa! move down range before she unleashes her arsenal! luann: fire bands!
ILikeMeSomeComics over 12 years ago
Luann invents the Trollface…it’s prototype anyway.
Pelahnar over 12 years ago
Has Greg Evans ever had braces? You don’t eat with bands it. Or at any rate, I didn’t and I didn’t know anyone who did.
sillls about 10 years ago
Love the girls in this one.